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Trimen Industrial is dedicated to providing our customers with everything they need, from precision machining and beyond. Over the years, we have cultivated a large network of trusted specialists in forging services for a variety of different forging techniques in order to meet our customers’ needs.


Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Forging is one of the oldest and most reliable manufacturing techniques used to shape certain metals while strengthening them at the same time. Though typically forging methods involve heating a workpiece and shaping it through force, the forging process can also be performed at room temperature, also known as cold forging. These are the major types of forging that Trimen Industrial can offer through our partnerships.


Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Open die forging or drop forging shapes a workpiece without entirely closing a metal within a die, in an anvil-like process. Though not as accurate as other types of production forging, drop forging is a cost-effective way to shape and strengthen metal.


Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Closed die forging or impression forging is a process in which the heated metal is enclosed between two halves of the die. The force of the die halves compresses the metal to form the required part much more accurately than other types of forging.


Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Upset forging or heading can be performed hot or cold, and is normally applied to a horizontal bar workpiece in order to shape fittings such as nails, screws, and bolts. 


Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Trimen Industrial is an ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified manufacturer of precision-machined components. We adhere to rigorous quality standards and processes to ensure that our customers receive the best products possible, and our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction is unmatched.

Precision forging is a more recent and innovative manufacturing technique that provides near-net shape results and is an excellent choice for components that require high performance and high material efficiency.


Trimen Industrial LLC was established in 1993 to provide unmatched versatility and precision with a wide range of machining capabilities, providing our customers with a complete set of services that allow us to bring their products to life. If you are looking to partner with us for your next project, or if you have any questions about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us today and get started.